And I thought I have started my year right by either cursing and inflicting to my nemesis or might as well forgive them. But forgiveness is useless when you don’t forget their sins. Yes… I never forget. They say it’s bad though but what the heck! That’s my thing –– I may forget your name but I never, ever forget whatever you did to me. All the more, if it is unforgivable.
Like for instance, this girl generally known in our college days as Lollipop, which I don’t think need to be explained why? (Well, ask then I shall further explain if needed) gave me a buzz a couple of days ago. As I’ve heard, she and her now husband carried their butts off and flew to that “flourishing” land somewhere in the UAE. I thought well, that would be good… she’s out of my hair and is really, really far a-way. So, for some reason, she gave me a buzz over YM. Looking for one of our gay friends that she heard was planning to fly over to Japan. Fine! That gay friend of ours contacted here before. Who cares? I don’t. Even if I knew where or what our gay-friend’s where abouts, I will not exert efforts informing her. For one, I am not her keeper and second of all I don’t like her attitude.
Too bad I wasn’t able to save the YM messages. Well, it’s a good thing of course. But I somehow “forgave” her from the sins she did to me before. But right now, I despise even the idea of forgiving her. Sayang eh! (What a waste!) Even if it’s just messages in the YM, I can still feel her attitude of dominance, arrogance and hmp! Recalling it now makes me mad. Forgive me, Lord… but I have to retract the forgiveness I just gave her. I am f*cking busy and she is not paying me my time to be wasted on her because she’s asking me where the hell is our gay-friend?! Plus the fact that she’s giving me that attitude. She is pissed as she stated (in Tagalog) because I am not answering her inquiry and logged out on her. One, anyone… anyone has no right to judge if you or someone else has not been answering your messages in YM. Two, how damn sure are you if the person you are buzzing is in fact online or logged off at you?!!! Why give the attitude? Why give me the attitude?!!! Well in fact, she’s asking the favor. Take note: she is asking a favor… Don’t you think you have at least be kind enough to sound like nice and all because you are asking a favor?
Where the hell is your ethics?... My gahd!
The nerve!!!
From whatever source this came from, I have this thought from the day I learned what pain is: An elephant may forgive, but it never forgets.
For old times sakes... this is for you!

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